Kansas Wesleyan University Jones Boys

Brotherhood News 2000
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Jones Boys Letter 2000

Dear Jones Boys,
     The year 2000 was a great year.  The KWU Coyotes won 25 games, won the KCAC Championship, were NSCAA National Champions and seven of us went on an All-expense paid tour of Japan, playing nine games and ending with an 8-1 record while there.  As joyful s it was there were some bittersweet moments:
  Bethany beat us by one in the finals of the play-offs knocking us out of the NAIA Nationals.
  Watching the senior awards night with heartache as Tony Depa, Matt Broyles (graduated early, Jeremiah Ostmeyer, and Michael Bell were not with us.  "Points" Ostmeyer (Fort Hays) and Michael (Emporia State) transferred and are graduating.  Michael helped coach the highly successful Emporia women's team.
  Win or lose, it's always hard to watch you fine young men leave KWU.  The winning is fun (at that moment, particularly), but two pictures hang in our locker room:
                       THE FIRST JONES BOYS 1982
The pictures are of the varsity and of the jayvees - Sorry-Ass All-Americans" as Todd Clark and Kevin Wohler called themselves.  I didn't coach very well then, but those were really intense practices and the games were memorable for sure.
Some Notes on the Jones Boys:
Jeff Tillman and Tim Parker helped me at a tryout in Mesa, AZ, this past April.  Tim and Julie (Parker) live in a near-mansion in Gilbert, AZ.  Jeff is now a realtor; he finally stopped fighting those forest fires.
Brad Larremore coached to the State Touornament   He married, looked at spending 80% of his time coaching that paid 10% of his salary and switched to administrative/teaching duties.
Max Iselin married Jody Craddock this summer.  Both are teaching in the Phoenix, AZ, school system.  Max is in the PE department, while Jody is in elementary education.  First place they interviewed hired them both.
Dave Frederick came back to Salina this summer for Lori's high school reunion.  He reminded me that the new guys have it too soft.  The remodeled dorms,wooden gym floor, and weitht machines; they all just spoil the guys.  (But do you remember those Hawaiian practice shorts?  Anyone still got a pair?)
Brad Druse received a teaching contract while still a student teacher.  They didn't want to let him get away.
Eric Cooper's dad came to Salina for the Spring Umpire's Clinic.  He said Eric plalyed some intramural ball at Hays, but he wasn't out for track.
Brandon Weidenhft is ready to open a veterinarian practice.  The medical profession is a long haul, but it takes special people to be so dedicated.
Ricky Gray is back in Salina.  He is working for a computer company, and is trying pro basketball again, with the Salina Rattlers of the ABL.
Fred Goodnight is comtemplating opening his own collection agency.  He has really prospered, but as I remember, Fred always wanted more.  um, more passes, more threes, more girls.
Jason Gentz is still the King of Slow Pitch Softball and Town-Team Basketball in Herington, KS.  Countdown is eight years for Hall of Fame induction at KWU.
Shawn Ellis remains famous in Tampa, KS, for his slow-pitch summer actrivities.  Shawn is now the top assistant and recruiting coordinator at Cloud County CC.  I miss him a lot.
Preston Seymour married Betsy Hane.  Preston teaches in Pratt and Betsy is the assistant basketball coach at Pratt JC.  They will surely have tough, aggressive children who will know how to play basketball.
Dane Pavlovich is the head basketball coach at Linn, MO, HS.  He's moved up fast.  I saw him at the Heart of America camps this summer.  Tony Ingram, who is now coaching in Junction City, KS, was at the camps too.
Well, the reason for this early letter is that I would really like to have the questionaires (You'll find one enclosed in this letter) back before the Christmas break.  You are always more interested in news of teammates than of what Ol' Coach Jones has to say.
My eyes are getting bad now.  These mailing lists seem to get so faded and misty that I have to touch the names to keep the feel of those great times when you were here.  Miss you all.
Ol' Coach Jones
Please return questionaires.

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