Kansas Wesleyan University Jones Boys

Brotherhood News 1990
2010 Brotherhood News
Off-Season letters from the Ol' Coach
Postings about 2009 BB Alum Weekend
Brotherhood News 2004
2009 Brotherhood News
Brotherhood News 2001
Brotherhood News 2003
Brotherhood News 2000
Brotherhood News 1999
Brotherhood News 1997
Brotherhood News 1990
Brotherhood News 1991
Brotherhood News 1992
Brotherhood News 1989
Ol' Coach Jones's All Time Teams
Top Tens
BB Seasons year by year
BB Honors
Roster of Year-by-Year Jones Boys
E-Mail Addresses
Brotherhood News 2005
Brotherhood News 2006
Brotherhood News - 2007
Brotherhood News 2008

Jones Boys Letter 1990

Dear Jones Boys:
Well, here it is January already.  A look in the mirror shows the damage that coaching has done to me.  It seems incredible how young I feel compared to that mirror.  Now I understand why so many coaches use old photos in the game programs.
When I visited the Kansas Wesleyan campus this summer, I stopped in the Chapel with a prayer of thanksgiving for the time spent at KWu with you all.  Those were wonderful years.  But so are these times at IUSB.  Jst as at KWU, the early times were hard, but the players made it worthwhile.  This season looks good right now.  We've won nine of the last eleven (after a rough start!) and are scoring 94 a game (giving up 93 though).  After being picked for 7th of 8 in preseason, we are in second and will play for a first place tie Saturday in the Chicagoland Conference.
KWU news:  Gary Upshaw continues to accumulate members for his businessman's association in Richardson, TX.  His Credit Union is expanding despite the recession.  Gary's got things going his way.  Had two letters returned from Grand Rapids, MI, that I sent to Paul Walters.  Does anyone know his new address?  Todd Clark is doing well as women's basketball coach at Kansas Newman.  He sent a picture Christmas Card of his team.  Remember those at KW.  Todd's ictures looked a lot better than you guys.  Remember Kevin Brown trying to stand on tiptoe to look taller.  Todd Clark says Kevin Wohler's wife only lets him out on Christmas.  Maybe once a year with Todd is enough for a married man.  Here is a copy of the Grooms cake from Bryan Ward's wedding.  Bryan, Tim Parker, and Scott Polzin looked very distinguished (except for the champagne glasses).  I'm so sorry we were notable to be there.  The first letter Ricky Gray received at Operation Desert Shield (Iraq) was from Simon Edidy.  Ricky said war is a lot like going to play at Bethany (or Bethel up here in Indiana); nothing good is going to happen to or for you.  Scott Bennett sent a wonderful letter.  Scott Bennett is still playing without the knee brace.  Maybe I was wrong always being on him about wearing it?.........Naah!  A quote from Scott's letter,
  "I looked in the mirror and was admiring my figure that hod no beerbelly, WHEN I was shocked to see that Billy Smith's arms had been grafted onto my body."
Scott has been pumping iron since.  He did wish there had been a three-point-line for him and Gus to use.  We wouldn't have had enough balls then as Frederick was also around then.  David Frederick came up to watch the Notre Dame-Marquette basketball game.  Jessica and I wandered around the fieldhouse looking for him.  It was the only crowd Notre Dame had this year.  We never did find each other.  Howard Alexander and Angela Parrack are living in Salina with their child while Howard finisheds up.  Angela is going to school this semester too.  Haven't heard from anhyone else since the midsummer crisis letter about Ricky Gray going to Saudi Arabia.  Did visit with Jeff Tillman in Arizona over Christmas.  He looks like a mountainman and chief fire-fighter should.  Got a new big pick-up truck, and a beard.  It was great to see him.
Your cards, letters, and calls are always welcome.  That's also how I get the updates for this annual letter.  Basketball was the bond that brought us together.  As Robert Jackson said at the NLCAA tournament during the prayer at Parker's home,
     "Thand God for the opportunities we've had together."
They have enriched my life and I thank you all.
Happy 1991,
Ol' Coach Jones

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