Kansas Wesleyan University Jones Boys

Basketball Records - Seasons Year by Year

2010 Brotherhood News
Off-Season letters from the Ol' Coach
Postings about 2009 BB Alum Weekend
Brotherhood News 2004
2009 Brotherhood News
Brotherhood News 2001
Brotherhood News 2003
Brotherhood News 2000
Brotherhood News 1999
Brotherhood News 1997
Brotherhood News 1990
Brotherhood News 1991
Brotherhood News 1992
Brotherhood News 1989
Ol' Coach Jones's All Time Teams
Top Tens
BB Seasons year by year
BB Honors
Roster of Year-by-Year Jones Boys
E-Mail Addresses
Brotherhood News 2005
Brotherhood News 2006
Brotherhood News - 2007
Brotherhood News 2008


In Progress
Year by Year Season Records
Year  Overall  League   (*League Champions)
1906  5-4
1908  15-4
1909  10-7
1912  3-5
1913  5-8
1914  9-2
1915  12-1
1916  8-1
1917  7-6
1918  WW I
1919  WW I
1920  6-7
1921  7-7
1922  8-9
1923  11-7
1924  4-12
1925  4-12
1926  6-11
1927  6-12
1928  6-11
1929  3-11  2-8
1930  4-14  2-7
1931  7-8  5-5
1932  1-7  1-7
1933  10-4  *7-1
1934  5-10  4-6
1935  8-8  4-6
1936  7-8  6-4
1937  8-7  4-6
1938  9-7  *6-4
1939  10-6  7-5
1940  23-8  10-2
1941  18-11  *10-2
1942  17-6  *11-1
1943  18-4  *11-1
1944  WW II
1945  5-3
1946  WW II
1947  11-7  8-4
1948  14-9  10-2
1949  17-5  *11-1
1950  22-2  *12-0
1951  15-8  9-3
1952  6-17  5-7
1953  8-11  6-6
1954  17-7  *10-4
1955  18-8  9-5
1956  10-11  7-7
1957  6-14  4-10
1958  4-17  1-13
1959  2-19  2-12
1960  6-16  5-13
1961  6-17  5-13
1962  11-12  9-9
1963  3-20  2-16
1964  12-12  8-10
1965  16-7  12-6
1966  14-9  11-7
1967  18-7  *15-3
1968  18-6  *15-3
1969  12-12  8-10
1970  21-4  14-2
1971  1-20  1-15
1972  1-21  1-15
1973  3-20  0-16
1974  8-13  7-9
1975  15-9  11-5
1976  20-3  *14-2
1977  13-11  9-7
1978  8-16  5-11
1979  7-17  2-14
1980  10-14  7-9
1981  5-18  4-12
1982  3-21  3-13
1983  6-18  6-12
1984  11-13  7-11
1985  12-13  12-6
1986  19-8  *14-6
1987  14-12  11-7
1988  15-12  9-9
1989  10-16  8-10
1990  9-17  7-11
1991  4-22  1-17
1992  8-17  5-13
1993  6-19  6-10
1994  6-21  4-12
1995  1-23  0-16
1996  12-16-9-7
1997  11-22  5-11
1998  5-26  2-14
1999  19-13  11-5
2000  25-9  *12-4
2001  20-10  9-9
2002  15-16  8-10

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